Retell with Non-Fiction

We are working hard at reading a part of a text, covering it with our hand and trying to retell what we read using our own words. You can practice this skill at home! If you cant retell, go back and re-read.

This skill will help us as we share our learning about the First Nations people who lived here before the European Settlers came to Upper and Lower Canada.

We are working on our presentations this week and are very excited to show our final creative projects. We can’t wait to share!

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Reading is Thinking

When we  are reading we are almost always thinking…thinking about what the author is saying, what we are wondering about, what we are noticing, what we are feeling. In other words we are making predictions, making connections, asking questions, visualizing, summarizing and inferring.

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We have been working really hard at noticing what our thinking is when we are reading. To help with this, try giving your child some post-it notes so they can mark where and/or what they were thinking.

Student Challenge:

Find two places in your reading where you were thinking and share with your parents.

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September Newsletter

September 2016

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Grade 3 at Southview Public School! My name is Mrs. DuChene and I am excited about our new school year and look forward to meeting you and your child. Throughout the year I hope to provide a stimulating program in a caring and safe environment. I strongly believe that when we work together, your child will have a successful year. Below I have reviewed some of the expectations and routines in our classroom.

If your child would like to have a healthy snack at the beginning of class, please pack a quick spoonless snack for them to enjoy.




In grade 3, students are expected to read for 20 minutes each night and reach a weekly goal of reading for 100 minutes. More information on the importance of reading for 100 minutes a week will follow…Stay tuned! To support the reading program it is a good idea to visit our Public Library on a regular basis.

Students are encouraged to be familiar with their math facts. Flash cards are a great way of practicing this skill. This can be done anytime, anywhere…on your way to the arena, at your grandparents, in your bedroom, during a commercial etc. Try using index cards and make your own set. Start with doubles facts (1+1, 2+2 etc.) make ten (9+1, 8+2, etc.), near doubles (3+4, 7+8 etc.) and then progress through adding 1 (1+2, 1+3, etc) to adding 10 (1+10, 2+10, etc.).Your child’s goal should be to master a set before moving on to the next one.  Mastering a set means that your child is able to automatically give an answer without having to think for a long period of time. Please let me know if you would like some help setting this up.

Our newsletters will be posted on our class website. We will be using this as a forum to keep you up to date with news and special events. We will be updating you on a weekly basis so you can have a peek into what we are learning. Within this blog, you will find our monthly calendars, information about our reading and assessment, homework expectations, and a link to our Twitter page.
We will be using the Remind App and Twitter instead of an agenda as our communication tool. If you have any concerns, appointments or important information that I should know please send me a text through the remind app.


Assessment and evaluation will be a continuous process throughout the year. I will be using teacher observations, student portfolios, exit slips, daily work, in class and home projects, peer evaluations and student conferences. Student work will be kept in a student portfolio here in our classroom you are free to set up an appointment with me to review your child’s portfolio at any time. Please write an email or use the RemindApp or call ahead to confirm a time that will work for us both. Most likely, appointments will be available before or after school hours.

Each student will be participating in gym class twice a week and daily physical fitness. Students are expected to have a pair of clean indoor shoes that will be kept here at the school. Socks must be worn at all times during gym class.

Throughout the year students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour, actions and personal belongings. I will be looking for students who are following the rules and expectations in our classroom as well as within our school.

I would greatly appreciate any volunteers to help in our classroom. If any parent or grandparent or guardian is interested could you please let me know as soon as possible. All school volunteers are required to have a background check completed by the local O.P.P.

If you have further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to write me a text using the RemindApp or call me here at the school, 613 354-5171.

Thank you for your support in your child’s education.


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We are ready!!!

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I would like to welcome the students and parents of our 2016-2017 class to our blog. We will be using this as a forum to keep you up to date with reflections, news and special events. Rather than a monthly newsletter, we will be updating you on a regular basis so you can have a peek into what we are learning. Within this blog, you will find our monthly calendars, information about our reading and assessment, homework expectations, and a link to ourTwitter page.

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